Women’s Day: Enabling Environment for Women with Disabilities

The International Women’s Day is celebrated March 8 every year. The day was set aside to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and also to enhance the voices and abilities of women in the society.

The day was recognized by United Nations in 1977 but its root goes way back to 1908 in United States of America when women protested against the working conditions in the country.

Since its adoption, the International Women’s Day has helped to build support for women’s rights and participation in the political and economic arena.

In Nigeria, the celebration has assumed different dimensions: March 8 marking the global celebration, Mothering Sunday on the Sunday of the week of March 8 and Mother’s Day on the Second Sunday in May by some religious set. The purpose is to continuously raise awareness of the abilities and capacities of women in the society.

The theme of this year’s celebration is Invest in women: Accelerate progress. This year’s campaign theme highlights the importance of diversity and empowerment in all aspects of the society and serves as powerful reminder of the progress made towards gender equality and the work still to be done. The theme underscores the vital role to be played by all in achieving gender equality. The day calls for actions in all aspects, to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, create enabling environment where all women are valued and respected regardless of their tribes or stature.

To celebrate this year’s women’s day, there is a big need to focus attention on the plights of women with disabilities (WWD). These sets of women are neglected, marginalized, raped, stigmatized, victimized, and economically truncated with little or no help. Some are locked up, alienated from the society. Others with abilities to survive are not given the opportunity to do so.

These women face depression, emotional trauma, and in most cases are left alone. Some are been accused as witches and abandoned by their children, siblings, loved ones and the society.

As the world enhances the voices of women and agitates for the inclusion of women in all areas of life and the society, attention should be given to women living with disabilities. Their needs and pains should be brought to light, and their voices amplified for the society to understand and take action towards resolving their plights.

The government should create an enabling environment for women with disabilities. Toll free lines should be designated for quick response in cases of rape, physical assault and abuse. There should be special considerations during employment process.

The government should assign some quota for women with disabilities during employments in all spectre of the society. Strengthen policies to protect them from harm and create peaceful environment that can encourage them to strive well economically and otherwise.

Civil Society Organizations should cautiously include them to their programmes, carry out trainings on their rights, empower them with financial generating skills, train police and other institutions on best practices for quick response to the plights of women with disabilities.

Individuals and members of communities should speak out for them. Report cases of abuse to the appropriate quarters. The media should also enhance their voices. Women with disabilities are also part of the society. Investing on them, empowering them economically and creating a safe place where they can strive can lead to a more peaceful society.

*Josiah Chijindu Egbilika,
Linguist & Indigenous Language Advocate.
Contact: languagesense@gmail.com; chijindujo@gmail.com. https://languagehealth.blogspot.com

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