Drug Free Hendry County is hosting Bobby Petrocelli, a renowned motivational speaker to share his heartbreaking, but hope filled story with Hendry and Glades Counties. Bobby will be speaking at LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore High Schools to tell his story and to encourage parents and all adults to talk with teens about their expectations for them and about sometimes difficult topics.
Drug Free Hendry and Bobby’s mission is to ensure parents and adults understand their true impact on teens. Surveys completed by local teens consistently show that parents are the most influential people in their lives and their top believable source of information.
Attendees will receive a copy of the “Parent Handbook” as well as other great information to help with talking points to start conversations about bullying, social media use, drugs, and many other issues teens face today.
Organizations will give a brief overview of programs and services that are offered in Hendry and Glades Counties. At Clewiston High School Tuesday, September 20th at 5:30 pm; LaBelle High School Wednesday, September 21st at 6:00 pm or Moore Haven Junior Senior High School Thursday, September 22nd at 5:15 pm.