Only Past Military Heads of State in ‘Agbada’ Can Be Presidents

By Young Erhiurhoro

It always baffles me whenever I critically look at the present system of government in Nigeria in retrospect to our ugly past during the dark days of the military regime in the country. As a political analyst, if you habitually compare this present government known as democracy to that of the military era, the differences are not far-fetched. They are clear and tangible and are everywhere round the country. Therefore, in this short piece, let’s compare and contrast the two systems of government as being practiced in the country today. 

To start with, we must accept the indisputable fact and political theory that, only past military heads of state can be successful Nigeria’s presidents. This is a natural norm and established practice that has been in existence since we returned to democracy in 1999. It first started with the Nigerian military king, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. He peacefully and successfully ruled this country as diverse as it’s, two tenures of eight years without challenges from any part of the country. He was a past military head of state, but removed his military title of ‘General’ because he wore ‘agbada’ to cover his khaki dress. 

Unfortunately, when it has come to the turn of late Yar’adua and Goodluck Jonathan as president and vice president of the country respectively, Yar’adua died on the presidential seat. This enabled Goodluck Jonathan to take over the mantle of leadership of the country. However, Goodluck Jonathan couldn’t make it to a second tenure like his predecessor, Chief Obasanjo. He was shortchanged in the process because he didn’t wear military dress under his big ‘agbada.’ He was a bloody civilian as described by the military intelligence. 

Then in 2015, both the North end the West again decorated Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari with a big ‘agbada’ under his military khaki. He was presented to the whole of Nigeria. He was accepted primarily because he was a past military head of state. Only this singular treasure pushed him into the presidential seat without challenges. He peacefully and successfully completed his first tenure in 2019 without criticisms or political attacks from any corner of the country. He put on a new ‘agbada’ to cover his same old khaki dress again and contested for a second tenure. He won without hiccups on his way. Today, he is on the verge of completing his second tenure. This is so easy and peaceful because he’s a past military head of state. 

Again, in every military government as the case with some other African countries immediately after getting their independence from the colonial governments, all possible laws and constitutions of the country are suspended. The military usually rule with edits. These edits are enacted with force of autocracy and hardship by military officers in charge of such enactment. Whether the citizenry or populace likes it or not, they must obey and respect such draconian laws from men on khaki. In fact, this was the ugly picture of Nigeria for so many years, even till 1999. You will equally agree with that, these military officers laid the foundation of governance in Nigeria by establishing and creating so many ministries, agencies, parastatals and corporations. This was done from the federal, down to the state with the head of state and military administrators in power. This formed the National Supreme Council of that time. Though they used some of the bloody civilians especially to head ministries, agencies and parastatals, but those civilians have nothing to do on their own without taking orders and rules from the head of state and the military administrators. Without doubt, this gave birth to today’s corruption in the country.

In comparison to today’s system of government in Nigeria that we only referred to as ‘Democracy’ in name, but in total contrast to its practice in the western world; Nigeria as observed by many political scientists is today under the siege of military rule. No doubt, Nigeria is practicing military government and not democratic government as alleged by politicians. As it’s now, all our laws and constitutions are suspended and fully replaced with edits. And because the foundation was already laid by the military, it was so difficult for the bloody civilians that have no such military experiences and expertise or blood to build on top of such laid foundation. This is why our so-called politicians are finding it difficult to steer the boat of leadership of this country in the right direction to anchor on a safe shore. 

You will also agree with me that, the military era was far better than this present system of government. Even though laws and the constitutions were suspended during the period, the poor civilians were forced to respect those edits in place. However, in this present system of government, the few edits are already swept under the carpet since 1999 and have no effects again on the people. To summarize it all, Nigeria is a lawless country; a city of no law; in fact, the only country in Africa where the laws do not hold against offenders. This is because all those holding sensitive positions in the country are military men wearing ‘agbada’ to cover their khaki dresses. They are men that had military training and thoroughly bred in corrupt practices with ever flowing fresh military blood.

Frankly speaking, there is no way you can become a successful politician or a political appointee in Nigeria without having the military blood running in your veins. All our today’s politicians are acculturated in military and autocratic practices induced with high level of corruption. This covered the three tiers of government of legislature, executive and judiciary and the three arms of government of federal, state and local government. There is no arm or level of government that’s free from this ugly monster and disaster called corruption that was introduced by the military into our government. 

However, since we are in a government that is worse than the past military regimes, a government that has no laws or judicial processes, every citizen is free to act his/her own way without questioning. This is the situation we find ourselves at the moment in Nigeria. To your tents, oh Nigerians! This is the only song we have learnt to sing in this country at the moment. Since 1999, calamities and disasters are continuously and uncontrollably happening in every part of the country without any solution to end them all.  Mention any crime or anti social behavior in this world today, it’s in Nigeria that you can find it in excess. Criminal acts like terrorism, kidnapping, banditry, ritual killings, armed robbery etc have become everyday experiences in Nigeria. All these are happening to poor Nigerians because there are no laws in the country to protect the citizens. If there laws in Nigeria to regulate the processes and systems of government in the country as in other countries around the world, then crime can’t be uncontrollable and inadvertently becomes a natural norm in our living styles. 

In conclusion, 2023 is again crying in the dark, waiting for that person that will bring it to limelight and reality. The second tenure of Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari who also hid his military title of ‘General’ under his big ‘agbada’ will definitely come to an end by 2023. Now, every top politician in the country in both the APC and the PDP especially those that have the military blood in their veins are canvassing and clamouring to mount the exalted presidential seat. But we must not forget this fact and political theory again and again, that only past military heads of state can successfully and peacefully become the president of this country. If truly we want the unity and oneness of this country as it’s the practice from 1999, then all our political parties should try to front past military heads of state and military administrators as their presidential candidates and flag bearers in the coming 2023 general elections. Apart from this, you will understand me clearly that, no matter the political and economic levels of any politician who is not from the military class will win the 2023 presidential election. Who wants to give them (bloody civilians) such opportunity to demean and debase the Nigerian military? Presently, Nigerians are still daydreaming about the next president of Nigeria. At the end, the political dice shall be casted, and we will know those that will receive the head and the tail. 

Young Erhiurhoro;Kjc is a reporter and a member of the Urhobo Historical Society

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