Coronavirus: Global War of Supremacy between America, China

By Young Erhiurhoro, Warri

The raging and deadly global pandemic, corona virus that is at present spreading like wildfire in a harmattan season in almost every part of the world today, including Nigeria, is nothing but a fiercely economic and political war between China and America on who is to be a leader amongst the superpowers of the world.

An indisputable fact to buttress this is the reality of the prophetic declarations in the Synoptic Gospels of Jesus Christ and in the prophetic books of Daniel, Jeremiah, Hezekiah and Revelations in the Holy Writ, that when the end shall come, nation shall fight against nation, there shall be pestilences and diseases and many other signs to show the end of time and season.

Without doubt, we are very much close to the end of the time. We are truly in the last days according to Bible prophecies. These are not the words or prophecies of our modern day prophets or pastors as many are insinuating today. But they are words that were recorded centuries ago by true servants of God like Prophet Ezekiel, Prophet Jeremiah, Jesus Christ, John etc. What further proof or evidence do we still need for us to know we are already close to the end of time?

Coming back to the issue of supremacy on who controls the world, America wants to retain that position till when this world will come to an end without a challenge from any other advanced country or countries in the African continent. America always wants to dominate in every known human field since they took over power from Britain over a century ago. They never agreed to relinquish power or the position of the leader of the superpowers to any other country. This is the war between America and every other country that wants to step on their toes in terms of political, economic and technological achievements.  Today, America is known as the strongest superpower in the world in virtually everything ranging from economy, technology, sports, agriculture, politics, religion and other visible human endeavours. They are always on top in everything. In this case, the Americans won’t take it lightly from anybody that wants to deny them of this golden position.

However, for some years now, America discovered that China is now dominating in so many areas, thereby preparing to take over the position of the strongest superpower from them. This is really a big slap on America. America saw that China is now the emerging economic power controlling over 90% of African continent in respect of information technology, which is the latest in communications and gadgets, manufacturing and inventions, medicine/health and other useful areas. This is already a big challenge to America.

For instance, in Nigeria, virtually everything we are using in this country are made in China and exported to us, the giant of Africa. Many of our so-called manufacturing companies in this country are only doing packaging and marketing services to already made goods from China. Even those that are made in Nigeria are also named after China because China is rated high in the world markets. If China can control every sector in this country, which boasts of being the giant of Africa, with their manufactured goods, then what will happen in other African countries? 

To America, this is a war they must fight to an end. This is where the two countries are contending for the strongest superpower at the peril of poor and weak countries in the world. The latest being the coronavirus pandemic that is presently ravaging the entire world. This is not the issue of the black world versus the white world. This is not just a third world war, but like the war of Armageddon declared in the Scriptures. 

On a more serious note, the coronavirus, according to some recent reports as posited by some medical researchers and scientists, is real and is among the viruses that are responsible for respiratory sicknesses like coughing, sneezing etc. But to economists and financial experts, they defined the existence and the spread of the coronavirus from an economic dimension. These set of business professionals argued that the coronavirus pandemic is purposely sent to destroy China by their rival and opposition in the superpower group. According to their opinion, the virus was not initially meant for every part of the world but for only China. This was done in order to reduce their political and economic power and bring them down from where they were climbing to. Their opposition used it to debase and weaken their economic control on African countries. Whether this is true or not, it’s left for these scientists to further convince us. 

Secondly, it was argued among political scientists that the issue of coronavirus is used to test run the Chinese political might. There are two powers that are controlling the world today. They are economic power and political power. It’s never hidden to America that China wants to take over these two powers from them. Therefore, the coronavirus was used by the Chinese rival and opposition to test-run their political power. According to reports from medical research, the coronavirus is fast spread because it’s an air borne disease. It follows air routes to other countries. So it was a deadly atomic missile shot into China with the cover name of coronavirus. Since it was shot into the air, it becomes an air borne missile, following air routes to other countries and contaminable to different people irrespective of race or ethnicity. 

Unfortunately, here in Nigeria, our government is painting a different picture for us to see on this coronavirus pandemic. Though it’s real but they are also hiding many facts about the outbreak of the virus from the common populace of the country. Our politicians, as it has been the practice since this new democratic dispensation, are using the coronavirus surge as a cover name to again siphon money from the national treasury for their own selfish interests. As an emergency health case, the Federal Government and some states in the country have already released undisclosed sums of money to manage the situation at the moment. However, the ugly part of this story is that, Nigerian politicians being what they are right from the beginning of time will divert much of this emergency health fund into private pockets and foreign bank accounts. That is a Nigerian politician for you.

Again, the outbreak of the coronavirus in Nigeria is to tell the world that Nigerian government (past and present) is incapable and inefficient at running the country and managing her financial resources. All public health institutions across the country are ordinary ghosts and shadows called hospitals, teaching hospitals and specialist hospitals. There are no sophisticated medical equipments in our hospitals to handle this deadly coronavirus pandemic. Nigerian government has again washed her dirty linins as the most corrupt country in the Black race. 

The worst of it all is that the government is now using this coronavirus to create fear and shock in the minds of many people especially the less privileged and the commoners that can’t afford three square meals a day by perpetually keeping all of them indoors; restricting them from going to farms, markets and other public places. Though prevention is really better than cure but only the fear of this coronavirus already instilled in the minds of many poor Nigerians can kill so many people before many would be tested positive to the virus.

In fact, there are better ways to manage this coronavirus than this noise making everywhere in the radio, television, newspapers and the social media networks. Even in China and Italy where the death tolls are very high, they are not making so much noise about it to create fear of death in their citizens. The Nigerian government should learn from this. As at the time of writing this article [last week], we only recorded one death and fifty one positive cases in the entire country.

In conclusion, the coronavirus is nothing but a complete disguise on the global war between America and China on who rules the world. There is no cause for alarm and fear!

Young Erhiurhoro;Kjc is a reporter and a member of the Urhobo Historical Society.

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