Unenurhie Elections: External Forces Beware

By Young Erhiurhoro

As the UCDU elections are just few weeks to go, the leaders of Unenurhie community in order to foster peace and unity in the community, again called on their subjects and other residents in the community to toll the part of peace all through the period of the elections. They passed a stern warning to all indigenes and non-indigenes of the community that are perceived to foment trouble in the community in this period of the election to stay clear or face the dire consequences. They also called on the Delta state government to call such dictators and power-drunks to order because according to the leaders, these evil doers are using the name of government to threaten the peace of the community day after day since they are well connected to the government.

Very importantly, it was being rumoured round the community in recent times that some political heavyweights that are highly connected to the government of the day want to impose a non-credible person without a proven and acceptable characters on the people of Unenurhie as their next president-general. This rumour has caught almost every person in the community in awe as the people held in high esteem those perceived political leaders that are behind this political turn over.

However, the above rumour may be true or not. But at the moment, the activities surrounding the heat of the campaign are pointers to what many people are saying in the community that such plans are on the way. Yes, the UCDU constitution permits every eligible and credible Unenurhie person to contest for any elective positions in the UCDU elections. The fundamental human rights of the people should be respected especially in this time of elections in the community. They should be allowed to exercise their constitutional duties of electing the persons of their choice. Imposing candidates against the wish of the people is tantamount to lawlessness and autocracy in any community or organization. Imposition of unpopular persons as leaders is not a welcome precept of democracy in modern times. This is believe to be a major cause of community crises across the country in recent times.

Unfortunately, Unenurhie as a community just rejuvenated from an internal crisis which was caused as a result of poor and failed community leadership. After installing this present UCDU leadership ably led by Mr. Peter Maison, it took much time and financial resources to restore peace back to the community. Not only that, the Peter Maison led UCDU government also embarked on the full reconciliation process of all parties involved in the said crisis. It was really a tough race for the leadership during that time. The leadership spent much money to heal these open wounds. At the end, it was agreed by the community leadership and those that caused the crisis that, the crisis have been fully resolved and they were forgiven of their involvement in the crisis and accepted back as full indigenes of the community. But they should all stay away from the community leadership for some years in order to build on the peace process in the community. This was generally agreed and accepted by both parties during the final reconciliation meeting held in the town hall.

Now, why this sudden change and break of the verbal agreement? Today, the laid down terms and conditions of the said verbal agreement generally agreed to by these people during that reconciliation meeting are no longer in force in the community. External forces are behind this sudden change in the community. They are bent to grab the leadership of the community at this time to send the community into a harder slavery. They are ready to bring back all healed wounds in order to cause another round of crisis in the community. They are using government apparatus and other political connections in the state to silent the voice of the present UCDU leadership from exercising their duties. They have assumed the position of dictators and oppressors to the peace loving people of Unenurhie community.

We should know as Africans and Urhobos that, there are ancestral consequences for those that called themselves indigenes of a community and are using their positions and power to fight that same community that they claimed to be indigenes. The grave consequences are always very calamitous and disastrous to such people. In my little understanding, if you are placed in any position in government or business, use such position to elevate your people. Be of support to them in any way you can. Let them see you as their saviour and helper. Design initiatives to promote education, infrastructure, security, empowerments and lots more to both the youths and the elderly in the community. What Chief Wayles is presently doing at Enhwe, our neighbouring community at the moment should be a testament to what I’m saying here in essence. If Unenurhie community have such wealthy and great people, they should emulate the likes of Chief Wayles and not to grab leadership to themselves in autocratic manner at the detriment of the people.

Today, Unenurhie as a community is suffering from so many challenges. Few days ago, we just talked about our shortfalls in educational development in the community. If truly we have such philanthropists, like what many do in their communities, even in this Delta state, such philanthropists should find urgent ways to bridge such gaps. They should take proactive measures to fill such shortfalls in our educational status by ways of giving scholarships to selected students in those special areas like Law and Medicine we mentioned. Great politicians and business men and women are doing this to their communities across Delta state. These always make the people to sing their praises in the community especially during festive periods to honour them for their good deeds and acts of generosity. These are people that are writing their names in gold and leaving behind memorable legacies at the end of time. Why can’t our so-called rich men and big politicians that are directly connected to the governor of the state do the same for Unenurhie community?

Let me round up this short piece by again reiterate the fact that, external forces should leave Unenurhie community alone. Since they have not identified with the community many years ago as indigenes, the community have been conducting their elections into any traditional or administrative position in peaceful ways. We don’t need external forces to dictate for us or impose unpopular and unwanted persons on us as leaders. We have grown out of that mentality as a community since we now know that such impositions always cause crisis in the community. Unenurhie as a peaceful community is not ready to go for a swimming the second time since it’s full of much cold. We are clamouring for leaders that can build on the already laid down peace initiatives installed by the Peter Maison led UCDU government. We should know that, peace is worth than any millions somebody will offer you to sell the community for his personal gratification and interest.

Young Erhiurhoro is the Secretary-General of Unenurhie community and a member of the Urhobo Historical Society.

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