Engr. Frank Imudje (m) in a photograph with other leaders of Unenurhie community

Imudje Installs as New ‘Otota’ Rode’ of Unenurhie Community

By Young E. Freeborn, Warri

Unenurhie community in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State was recently agog as a new Otota’Rode (speaker) of the community, Engr. Frank Imudje, was presented and installed by the Odion’Rode-In-Council.

Presenting Engr. Imudje to the community during the traditional installation ceremony, the Akpohor (deputy speaker), Dr. Johnson Abrucha, who had been acting as Otota’Rode of the community for months now, described the new speaker as a prudent leader and also a man of high integrity.

“My people, we have today a new Otota’Rode in the person of Engr. Frank Imudje. The man before us is a man of high integrity and a prudent leader. He’s a man that have the development of this community at heart and ready to serve us to the best of his abilities. “With the powers vested on me as the Okpahor of the community, I hereby present to Unenurhie community our new Otota’Rode in the person of Engr. Frank Imudje.”

After the traditional installation and offering of prayers by the Akpohor and the community elders, the new Otota’Rode thanked the members of the Odion’Rode-In-Council and the entire community for considering him worthy to ascend the position.

“Today, my heart is filled with joy as you considered me worthy to become your new Otota’Rode. From past historical records of the community, my late father, late Chief Imudje had served the community in this same position as the Otota’Rode. Now, it’s my turn to also serve the community as the Otota’Rode to follow the footsteps of my late father.

“In my reign as Otota’Rode, I promise you that justice, fairness, equity, prudence and humility shall be my watchwords and guiding virtues to pilot my official duties as the Otota’Rode of the community. In my time and reign, there shall be a very strong synergy and co-operation amongst all the arms of government in the community to move the community from one position to other greater and higher positions. I’m indeed grateful to all of you for your support and contributions to the development of our dear community. Together, we shall sail to the promise land,” he said. 

In his remarks after the installation, the president-general of the community, Mr. Peter Maison, applauded the new Otota’Rode and all the other members of the Odion’Rode-in-Council for always giving him and his executive body the needed support to move the community forward in speeding up development and other achievements.

Hear him: “Today, we can now say that our traditional institution of the Odion’Rode-in-Council is fully complete with the installation of our father, Engr. Frank Imudje as the new Otota’Rode of the community.

“As a community, I want to plead with you to also give him the needed support to pilot his duties smoothly in the community, as you have been doing to me. We should also give him the respect and honour due him as our Otota’Rode. In the same way too, I want to advise our new Otota’Rode to carry everybody along in the course of his administration as the Otota’Rode. We should know that the position of the Otota’Rode is very vital and important as he’s next in command to the Odion’Rode, our royal father.”

The traditional installation ceremony ended with encomium poured on the new Otota’Rode by the Unenurhie people.

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