Opinion & Columns

That Tinubu’s Hide-and-Seek from Ministerial Lobbyists

By Ehichioya Ezomon  Nothing Nigerians haven’t heard or seen happen in Nigeria. Thanks to former self-styled Military President, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, who says, “Nigeria is a country where anything goes.” Babangida’s right! Where else – at least then in Africa – but in Nigeria would a well-organised presidential election be …

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Edo 2024: Attack on Pol Signals Bitter Rivalry

By Ehichioya Ezomon The umpire hasn’t signaled the commencement of the bout, and yet, a blow has landed on the nose. Twelve months to the 2024 governorship election in Edo State, politics is on the roll, but with a habitual deviation from the norm. Politicians angling for governor – for …

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Obi and ‘Fake News’ on 114% Pay Hike for Govt Officials

By Ehichioya Ezomon Thursday, June 22, wasn’t a good day for opposition presidential candidate in the 2023 General Election, Peter Obi. Misjudging Nigerians’ mood under a rash of harsh economic policies by the 28-day-old administration of President Bola Tinubu, Obi tweeted his usual. Lacking or ungrasping the relevant information – …

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New Opposition Governors in Vengeance Mission

By Ehichioya Ezomon “Two wrongs cannot make aright” is a popular axiom turned on its head in Nigeria’s political arena. Here, the wrong can only be righted if it’s wronged again! It’s a season for payback, as newly-inaugurated state governors offer a dose or two of the bitter pills their …

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Tinubu Needs to Earn Citizens’ Trust Fast

  By Ehichioya Ezomon  Ethnic, sectional, religious, political and economic interests aren’t strange to the Nigerian society. They’re the banes that defined past governments – and they’re likely to define President Bola Tinubu’s administration if it accentuates rather than de-emphasizes the primeval vices. Yet, a critical issue for the two-week-old government …

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Unenurhie, Long Overdue for Its Own Kingdom ~ Okparikpu

Issues of independence and self-determination among ethnic groups and communities in Nigeria have since amalgamation been on the front burner across the country. For Unenurhie community in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State, it has become an issue that must be addressed. In this interview with our correspondent, …

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