President-general of Unenurhie Community, Mr. Peter Maison (m), his executive members and the newly sworn-in youth leaders in the community

Unenurhie Community Elects New Youth Leaders

By Young E. Freeborn, Warri

The youths of Unenurhie community in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State have recently elected new leaders to pilot youth affairs in the community for the next two years.

In a keenly contested elections conducted by a four-man electoral committee, constituted by the community’s president-general, Mr. Peter Maison, and headed by Mr. Young Erhiurhoro, the community secretary general and closely monitored by the different arms of government in the community, saw Mr. Abiola Pender emerge as chairman of Enurhie Quarters and Mr. Anthony Onudo as chairman of Uruwheru Quarters respectively. 

The election which was done through delegates provided by the eight original streets of the community was held at the town hall in a peaceful manner.

Others elected in Enurhie Quarters were Mr. Oyibo Diamond, vice chairman, Mr. Paul Asekevwe, PRO while the position of secretary was still vacant as at the time of filing this report. Those elected in Uruwheru Quarters as executive members with the chairman were Mr. Godspower Avwenayeri, vice chairman, Mr. Samuel Iloloje, secretary and Mr. Tode Akpomrere as PRO. 

Addressing the new youth leaders during the swearing-in ceremony that took place few days after the election in the community town hall, the president-general, Mr. Peter Maison, who was highly elated over the peaceful conduct of the election, thanked the electoral committee for a job well done and also thanked the outgoing youth leaders for tolerance and for toeing the path of peace, maintaining law and order in the community and also for respecting higher authorities in the community throughout their two-year tenure. 

The president-general however advised the new youth leaders saying, “The election has come and gone, but don’t ever take anybody in the community as your enemies. You are there as youth leaders for all the youths of the community. I want to advise you to also toe the path of your predecessors by being tolerant and patient, maintain law and order in the community, always respect higher authorities in the community. Don’t always take laws into your hands whenever there are issues to deal with. Seek the opinions and advice of elders and other senior leaders. You must know that community leadership is a sacrifice and you must equally be ready to make such sacrifices to make your leadership peaceful and progressive. With these, the youths who are your followers, will definitely feel the positive impacts of your leadership. Then, on our side too as members of the UCDU, we are ready to carry you along in the areas that concern you in our leadership. We shall also provide you, your due benefits as youth leaders of the community.”

Responding, the two new youth chairmen, Mr. Abiola Pender and Mr. Anthony Onudo from the two quarters in the community, expressed their heartfelt appreciations to their immediate predecessors, the electoral committee, all the delegates that participated in the election and finally, to the president-general and his national executive committee for restructuring and reforming the Unenurhie youth body especially for splitting it into two groups, considering the population and geographical expansions of the community at the moment. The duo, on behalf of their executive committees, promised to abide by the rules and regulations as set by the UCDU to guide the youth leadership in Unenurhie community. 

The event however ended with the dissolution of the outgoing youth executive committees and swearing-in of the newly elected youth leaders by the president-general, Mr. Peter Maison, in the presence of other community leaders and elders.  

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