Bishop of Ughelli Diocese, Rt. Rev. Dr. W. E. Onorienobohwo, and bishop of Warri Central Missionary Diocese, Rt. Rev. Best Agbolayah, flanked by other members of the clergy after the service

African Church Organizes ‘Reunion Service’ at Eruemukohwarien, Urges Unity, Peace

By Young E. Freeborn, Warri

It was a moment of joy and celebration recently for the clergy and laity of the African Church as two dioceses, Ughelli and Warri Central Missionary, organized a unification/reunion service to mark the reconciliation of the two church units after a long period of misunderstanding over canonical and Episcopal issues, and also to formally handle over to the new bishop of Ughelli. 

The event, which was celebrated as a Holy Communion service, was held on Sunday 27 February, 2022 at Salem African Church, Eruemukohwarien-Ughelli, in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State and brought together ‘Who is who’ in the church, including members of the clergy and all categories of parishioners to witness the unification service. 

In a sermon during the service, the new bishop of Ughelli Diocese, who was also the host, Rt. Rev. Dr. W.E. Onorienobohwo, told the clergy and the congregation that, the most important ministry in the service of God and humanity is the ministry of reconciliation.

Speaking on the topic, ‘The Ministry of Reconciliation,’ taken from the book of 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, the man of God told the church that, the purpose for which Jesus Christ came to the world and died on the cross was to reconcile the world with God.

Rt. Rev. Onorienobohwo enjoined members of the church to do away with hatred, envy and enmity, noting that the three sins were weapons of the devil to create crisis, disunity and hatred amongst the children of God and to scatter the flock.

In his valedictory speech to the church, the bishop of Warri Central Missionary Diocese who was also the supervising bishop of Salem Archdeaconry, Rt. Rev. Best Agbolayah, told the church that, his joy knew no bounds given the bold step to reconciliation.

“Today, my joy knows no bounds as I witness this unification and reconciliation service. The African Church is one. We believe in one fold, one shepherd. Today, I have fully and formally handed over power to your new bishop, who happens to be my very close friend, even right from our days in the theological college.

“I want to beg all of you, the clergy and also the church workers to give your allegiance to him as the head of the diocese at the moment. Extend the same hand of fellowship and loyalty to him, the same way you did to me when I was here. Let me at this time thank my brother and your new bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr W.E. Onorienobohwo, for taking this bold step of faith. The same way I want to thank our honourable vice chancellor of the church, our former and present vice lay presidents and other national and diocesan officers of the church to see the end of this imbroglio with joy and happiness,” he said.

In a chat with our correspondent after the service, the vicar of the church and also the chairman of Salem Archdeaconry, Ven. Collins Okporhirhi said, “I’m grateful for this wonderful day as we celebrated this unification/reunion service with joy and happiness. This marks the beginning of greater things to happen in this Ughelli Diocese. On behalf of Salem Archdeaconry and the entire Ughelli Diocese, I want to appreciate our Lord Bishops for demonstrating to the church and the world today the true meaning of Christianity. They are truly exemplary leaders of the church worthy of emulation by young members of the clergy and also members of the church.

“In the same way too, I want to thank all national and diocesan officers of the church that are here today to witness this historic and memorable service especially workers in Salem African Church. They tried indeed for this day to come to reality. Time won’t permit me to mention the names of all of them. We pray not to repeat this ugly experience again in this African Church in Jesus name. Our reconciliation is complete and final,” he said.

The service ended with the formal handing over by the bishop of Warri Central Missionary Diocese who also served as the supervising bishop of Salem Archdeaconry, Rt. Rev. Best Agbolayah, to the new bishop of Ughelli Diocese, Rt. Rev. Dr. W.E. Onorienobohwo, in the presence of the clergy and members of the church.

Among those that witnessed the unification/reunion service were the vice chancellor of the African Church, Hon. (Bar.) Tom Ohwonohwo, Evang. Chief Dr. P. E. Okiti, former vice lay president, Evang. Chief Dr. Daniel Akpobasaa, present vice lay president, Evang. Chief Okporhirhi, Rev. Famous Obukohwoemu, curate of the church, Rev. Godspower Okporhirhi, Mr. Ese Onotanareyor, people’s warden of the church and host of others. The unification/reunion service was conducted and moderated by Rev. Canon Michael Egbinine amidst joy and happiness.

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