Tobore Otite, Crew Should Stop Parading as Leaders of Ariomaghwa Ladies ~ Ese Umukoro

By Young E. Freeborn, Warri

President of the Ariomaghwa Ladies Association, Chief (Mrs.) Ese Umukoro, has reacted to a publication (not by Port Harcourt Mundial), describing it as an attempt “to destroy the reputation of the social group which was founded over 35 years ago by Mrs. Margaret Airoboyi, and which was also legally registered with the Delta State ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development on 2nd July, 1999.”

The said “fictitious” publication, according to her, purportedly ascribed “leadership of the association to a Ms. Tobore Otite and others.”

In an interview with our correspondent, after issuing a press statement on the issue, Chief (Mrs.) Umukoro said, “From the press statement we, the national executive leaders of Ariomaghwa Ladies Association have issued, the errant behaviour and impersonation of Ms Tobore Otite who claimed to be the president of the association, with Mrs. Ufuoma Edemte-Akako, as vice president, Mrs. Felicia Efeurhobo, as secretary, Mrs. Vivian Oghenekaro, as treasurer, Mrs. Irene Mobuno, as financial secretary and others are completely fictitious and acts of impersonation. We therefore advise the general public to disregard the said publication.”

“What those people want to do is to hijack the leadership of the association through the back door which is against our constitution and bye-laws. We therefore advise Ms. Tobore Otite and her crew to stop parading themselves as the executive leaders of the association henceforth.

“Also, they should equally stop parading themselves as members of Ariomaghwa Ladies Association since their membership are already terminated by the association. We again advise them to drop any of the association’s properties in their possession to the leadership of the association without further delay. On the other hand, if they refuse to obey these strict warnings, the leadership of the association won’t hesitate to take legal action against them,” she said.

During the same interview, the secretary of the social club, Chief (Mrs.) Bose Obaro, who also signed the press statement said, “As it’s today, Ariomaghwa Ladies Association has branches in the United kingdom, Port-Harcourt and other cities in the country.

“Some time ago, there was a leadership tussle in the UK branch of the association. In order to resolve the fracas, we, the national executive leaders of the association however resolved that the incumbent president, Princess Suero Asaboro, should continue as the branch president until when the association would deem it fit to conduct elections in the branch.

“However, this same Ms Tobore Otite and her members resisted the general decision of the club and wanted to impose on the branch their loyalists. We still want to make it very clear here that, Princess Suero Asaboro remains the president of the UK branch till further notice.

“Like what my president said, those impersonators are no longer our members. The general public should have nothing to do with them in the name of Ariomaghwa Ladies Association.”

The press statement which was signed by two of the national executive leaders including Chief (Mrs.) Ese Umukoro, president, Chief (Mrs.) Bose Obaro, secretary and two branch presidents, Mrs Ikolo Endurance, Ujevwu branch and Chief (Mrs.) Oro Igho, Port-Harcourt branch; advised the general public to disregard the said publication and also to avoid the said persons in issues relating to Ariomaghwa Ladies Association.

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